Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mini Review # 5 - You needmto be on your tip-top game with your GTL to stay FTD to get the girls to DTF in MIA

The show  Jersey shore features 8 guidos and guidettes. They have never been to the shore, and some of them have never even been to New Jersey. But to them, Seaside is Heaven on Earth. Watch as they get drunk, get laid, and trash Seaside Heights. While your at it, maybe you can learn a couple things about tanning, fist pumps and hair gel.  Not only do they make themselves look like idiots by calling it  Joizy or Jersey Shore, the people around them look at them and say. "Are you new?" Like we call it the shore, not "Jersey shore." or something simple like "the beach." yep you're new.  These fellow guidos and guidettes, just like to get hammered and get laid.  They're full of stupid pointless drama, which makes the show entertaining to watch....that is why I like watching it.  They all also work at "The shore store." but they're mostly all lazy, and also late half the time and still work there.  Like what is wrong with the owners mind, make them get a real job to pay the rent of your place.  Or maybe you shouldn't because they would for sure loose that job coming in all hungover and stuff.  I don't know what else to say other then this show is pointless we all know that people go to bars, and end up taking someone home.  We don't need it advertised on TV.  But I love this show, even though what I'm saying doesn't sound like it, it's so stupid it's funny......and I love a good laugh!  

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